Chronic Dysentery Treatments by Ayurveda
Chronic Dysentery is an infectious disease characterized by inflamed intestine, mild illness, stomach pain and frequent urge to defecate, caused respectively by bacteria or by amoeba. Present of mucus or blood in the stool, volume of stool passed and urge to defecate depends on the bacteria causing infection. In chronic cases, frequent vomiting results into dehydration due to loss of body fluids.
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Types and causes of dysentery
The following are the two major types and causes of dysentery.
- Bacillary dysentery-
Bacillary dysentery is caused by an infection of the bacteria, of the genus shigella. This is characterized by watery stools that may contain blood, vomiting, fever. Delay in treatment can cause ulceration of the large intestine causing bloody stools.
- Amebic dysentery-
Amebic dysentery is usually found in the tropic regions, it is caused by the protozoan called Entamoeba histolytica.
Amebic dysentery is more infectious and is more difficult to treat than bacillary dysentery. The chronic form causes infection in the liver and ulceration of the large intestine.
Sign and symptoms:
The following are the sign and symptoms of chronic dysentery.
- Nausea-
Nausea is a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort in the stomach with a frequent urge to vomit.
- Abdominal pain-
A person suffering from chronic dysentery will have continuous stomach ache with a urge to defecate.
- Diarrhea-
Diarrhea is a frequent urge to defecate with at least two to three loose watery stools. It can result into dehydration due to loss of body fluids. A person with chronic dysentery will have diarrhea accompanied with blood and mucus.
- Rectal pain-
A person with chronic dysentery will have pain in the rectum area.
- Fever with muscle ache-
A person with chronic dysentery will have high body temperature with muscle ache.
- Vomiting-
A person with chronic dysentery will suffer from involuntary vomiting resulting into dehydration due to loss of the body fluids.
- Rapid weight loss-
Frequent vomiting and loose stools will make person loose weight and health.
- Temporary lactose intolerance-
Lactose intolerance may last from 1 month to 1 year.
Precautions to be taken for chronic dysentery:
- To avoid dysentery, first of all personal hygiene is very important, so maintain personal hygiene by proper bathing, wearing clean clothes, regularly washing hands with soap.
- Chronic dysentery infection is spread by bees and houseflies, so proper care should be taken to cover the cooked food and outside food should be totally avoided.
- Cyhronic dysentery infection is also spread by contaminated water, so drinking boiled water will reduce the chances of infection.
- Proper use of sanitation for example use of toilet for defecation, proper disposal of garbage, sanitary napkins will reduce the chances of infection.
Chronic Dysentery is a notable cause of sickness and death among young children specially in under developed countries. To avoid severity, immediate medical attention is required.
Chronic dysentery treatment with Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the best treatment for chronic dysentery. Ayurvedic medicines are 100% natural, without any side effects. These remedies are made from genuine soothing natural herbs using Indian traditional formulae which are passed down from generation to generation.
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Doxwell Ayurveda is the most renowned online ayurvedic clinic in India. With self pharmacy, Doxwell Ayurveda prepare its own medicines with the help of experts. At Doxwell Ayurveda you can consult highly qualified, well experienced doctors online as well as you can meet doctors personally. Doctors here are very dedicated, each patient is personally examined and treated in a best effective way.
FAQ - Chronic Dysentery
Is chronic dysentery and diarrhea same?
- No, chronic dysentery and diarrhea is not same. Diarrhea is passing of loose watery stools, while chronic dysentery is inflammation of the intestine which results into diarrhea.